Photos of American Kestrel fledglings, plus of a Eurasian Tree Sparrow...
<Time for Kestrel fledglings to squeeze back into the nest, 3 in one picture>
Part of the kestrel's survival mechanism must be for all never to gather closely. But that applies to most
bird species. Here I got 3 of the 4 fledglings in one frame, only because it was time for them to enter for
the night. Omega was already inside, these 3 were grouping for their turn. Alpha would be the very, very
last. Sometimes one of the adults had to bribe him with a tidbit so he would crouch in. By darkness, the
parent pair would fly to a Mississippi island a few miles away where they'd spend the night...
At sunrise they'd be back to again assume the role of protectors, trainers and skillful, never tiring
providers of food. Some of which came right from The Tree, as some of the other nesting birds had to
learn the hard way. The other nest of the Eurasian Tree Sparrows was located high up, almost at the top
of The Tree. The male was agile and quite cocky. After so much labor, one would root for his offsprings
to survive. The already territorial Alpha posing by the entry of the sparrow's nest did not bode well as to
that outcome. Look at that demeanor... He was to be one fierce bird of prey.
A very cocky Kestrel Alpha juvenile showing off as opposed to a Eurasian Tree Sparrow
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