Current Barton Cove bald eagles nest at Turner Falls, MA, June 2013 - Pg 6a

The top image of Barton Island where the eagle pair rebuilt their nest in a red oak tree, was
taken early June 2013. Situated a good 100 yards from the old one, several layers deep from
the island’s shore, it is extremely well hidden and hard to spot. I had to circle the isle several
times in a kayak before finding an opening to get a few shots. It was quite a task from a boat
that won’t hold still. The new nest appears small and shallow compared to the original.
Though only an adult bird is visible here, I spotted at least 1 if not 2 nestlings. That was before
I could point the camera. While mentioning my instrument, an eagle cam was installed but,
due to problems with solar power, hasn’t been working. Next year, maybe..?
Of interest here is that at any given time up to about 20 swans were present around the cove.
One pair even has 7 (yes, seven) chicks. I saw them within 50 yards of the eagles,
yet the swan family seemed unfazed. Peaceful coexistence...

<Photograph by Wolf Peter Weber of eagle's nest, June 2013, with adult bald eagle on Barton Island, Barton Cove, MA>
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