Bird facts and observations: 5 images of an osprey pair mating on a tower in Florida.

Like with most birds, raptors and others, osprey matings are quick affairs, lasting less than a minute...
The building-up ritual to the actual event may take hours though. The male might fly about some, draw
a few daring circles and/or bring food. While the female does a lot of clamoring, which could be described as noisy but low pitched bitching. His vocal expressions are higher and sound more melodious, almost
like bald eagle song. Mating frequency varies from a few to as many as a dozen times a day. Whether
each round results in mission accomplished is another story. Sometimes it just seems more like rehearsal.
As to the below sequence, nature was probably served by image 4...

<Page with 5 images depicting a mating sequence of Osprey birds, with the nest built on a roof top. Photography by Wolf Peter Weber >
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